Optical properties of molybdenum in the ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy
XPS primary excitation spectra of Zn 2p, Fe 2p, and Ce 3d from ZnO, α-Fe2O3 , and CeO2
Pauly, N., Yubero, F., Espinós, J.P., Tougaard, S.
Surface and Interface Analysis, 51 (2019) 353-360
Colorimetric energy sensitive scintillator detectors based on luminescent multilayer designs
Ferrer, F.J., Gil-Rostra, J., González-Elipe, A.R., Yubero, F.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 272 (2018) 217-222
Dye Giant Absorption and Light Confinement Effects in Porous Bragg Microcavities
Oliva-Ramírez, M., Gil-Rostra, J., Simonsen, A.C., Yubero, F., González-Elipe, A.R.
ACS Photonics, 5 (2018) 984-991
Microstructural engineering and use of efficient poison resistant Au-doped Ni-GDC ultrathin anodes in methane-fed solid oxide fuel cells
Garcia-Garcia, F.J., Yubero, F., González-Elipe, A.R., Lambert, R.M.,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 885-893
Robust polarization active nanostructured 1D Bragg Microcavities as optofluidic label-free refractive index sensor
M. Oliva-Ramirez, J. Gil-Rostra, F. Yubero, A.R. González-Elipe.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 56 (2018) 590-599
A compact and portable optofluidic device for detection of liquid properties and label-free sensing
F. Lahoz, I. R. Martín, D. Walo, J. Gil-Rostra, F. Yubero, A. R. Gonzalez-Elipe
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (2017) 215103
Energy-Sensitive Ion- and Cathode-Luminescent Radiation-Beam Monitors Based on Multilayer Thin-Film Designs
J. Gil-Rostra, F. J. Ferrer, J.P. Espinós, A. R. González-Elipe, F. Yubero
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 16313–16320
Enhanced green fluorescent protein in optofluidic Fabry-Perot microcavity to detect laser induced temperature changes in a bacterial culture
F. Lahoz, I. R. Martín, D. Walo, R. Freire, J. Gil-Rostra, F. Yubero, A. R. Gonzalez-Elipe
Applied Physics Letters, 111 (2017) 111103
Vapor and liquid optical monitoring with sculptured Bragg microcavities
M. Oliva-Ramirez, J. Gil-Rostra, M.C. López-Santos, A.R. González-Elipe, F. Yubero.
Journal of Nanophotonics, 11 (2017) 046009