Welcome to the website of the research group «Nanotechnology on Surfaces and Plasma» of the Institute of Materials Science of Seville (CSIC – Univ. Seville), Spain.      (Grupo de investigación FQM196 de la «Junta de Andalucía» )

The mission of the Nanotechnology on Surfaces and Plasma (NToSP) group is to carry out high-quality scientific research and to transfer the acquired knowledge to the industry and other social stakeholders. The purpose is to develop new thin films and supported nanostructures for advanced functional applications in photonics, energy, sensors, and other responsive systems. We have activity in the following research lines:

  • Vacuum and plasma-based deposition and surface functionalization processes.
  • Nanostructured surfaces and thin films synthesis: advanced characterization.
  • Functional applications of nanostructured surfaces: wetting.
  • Surfaces and thin films for energy harvesting.
  • Development of sensors, biosurfaces, photonic, and responsive devices.