Projects financed by Industries



Financial source: H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies S.L. within IPCEI TECNOPROPIA project.

PI: Francisco Yubero (Nov-2023/Jun-2026)

Caracterización de materiales, componentes y dispositivos para aplicaciones espaciales

Caracterización de materiales, componentes y dispositivos para aplicaciones espaciales

Financial source: ALTER TECHNOLOGIES TUV NORD (technological support contract)

PI: Angel Barranco (Nov-2022 /         )

Charging Effects Mitigation Using Innovative Materials

Charging Effects Mitigation Using Innovative Materials

Financial source: European Space Agency ESA (contract No. 40001139513/22/NL/CRS)

Consortium: Institute of Materials Science of Seville, Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, ALTER TECHNOOGY TÜV NORD, DHV Technology, Research Centre of Cantabria (CTC).

PIs (NToSP): Ángel Barranco  (project manager), Francisco J. Aparicio (technical manager) (Oct-2022 /       )

Assessing Pseudo-hermeticity on COTS with Plastic encapsulated materials

Assessing Pseudo-hermeticity on COST with Plastic Encapsulated Materials

Financial source: European Space Agency ESA (contract No. 4000135494/21/NL/GLC/ov)

Consortium: Institute of Materials Science of Seville, ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD (SP), ALTER TECHNOOGY TÜV NORD (UK)

PIs (NToSP): Ángel Barranco  (project manager), Francisco J. Aparicio (technical manager) (Oct-2021 /  Dec-2023)

Manufacture, characterization and efficiency analysis of electrocatalysts for anion exchange electrolyzers

Manufacture, characterization and efficiency of electrocatalysts for  AEM water electrolyzers

Financial source: H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies, S.L. within ECLOSION project from I+D+i “Líneas Estratégicas” MISIONES, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

PI: Francisco Yubero (Sept-2021/Nov-2024)

Monitorización en tiempo real de múltiples propiedades de fluidos mediante transductores fotónicos y electromagnéticos (REMO)

Monitorización en tiempo real de múltiples propiedades de fluidos mediante transductores fotónicos y electromagnéticos (REMO)

Participant centers: Universidad Carlos III, Indra Sistemas S.A., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Repsol S.A

PI (NToSP): Agustín R. González-Elipe (Sept-2015/Sept-2018)

Contrato Apoyo tecnológico con AIN

Apoyo tecnológico

Financial source: Asociación de la Industria Navarra (AIN)

PI: Agustín R González-Elipe (2015/2016)

Added Value New CPVs Enhanced Developments (ADVANCED)

Added Value New CPVs Enhanced Developments (ADVANCED)

Financial source: Abengoa Solar within «Interconecta» project

PI: Agustín R González-Elipe (2013-2014)

Estudio sobre el uso de combinaciones de reactores de descarga de barrera dieléctrica para la producción de hidrógeno a partir del reformado de hidrocarburos

Sun and vision for the present thermal energy. SOLVENTA

Sun and vision for the present thermal energy (SOLVENTA)

Financial source: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto INNPACTO – IPT-2011-1425-920000

PI: Agustín R. González-Elipe (May-2011/Dec-2014)

SOLVENTA aims at the development of a series of equipment and devices to monitor the working conditions of solar thermal plants based on light concentration with cylindrical parabolic mirrors. The role of ICMS in this project focusses on the application of plasma technology systems and the development of thin films able to determine the working conditions of these facilities.