New generation of conformal dielectric nanocoatings for emerging electronic devices by plasma technology

  Financial source: Junta de Andalucía Code:US-1381057 Acronym: PLASMADIELEC New generation of conformal dielectric nanocoatings for emerging electronic devices by plasma technology Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Aparicio Period:01-01-2022 / 01-06-2023 Research team: Francisco Javier Aparicio, Ana Isabel Borrás y Lidia

Dielectric Nanocoatings for Flexible Electronic Devices by Plasma Technology

  Financial source: Junta de Andalucía Code: EMERGIA20_00346 Acronym: FLEXDIELEC Dielectric Nanocoatings for Flexible Electronic Devices by Plasma Technology Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Aparicio Period: 01-09-2021 / 01-08-2025 Research team: Triana Czermak Due to its physical and mechanical characteristics, the

Nucleation and growth mechanisms on piezoelectric surfaces under acoustic excitation in plasma/vacuum environments

Nucleation and growth mechanisms on piezoelectric surfaces under acoustic excitation in plasma/vacuum environments PI: Alberto Palmero (Sept-2021/Aug-2024) Read more … This project aims at studying atomic nucleation and thin film growth phenomena on piezoelectric surfaces under acoustic excitation in vacuum/plasma

Surface functionalization and diffusion models of germination factors in plasma-treated seeds

  Financial source: Junta de Andalucía Code: US-1381045 Acronym: PLASMASEED Surface functionalization and diffusion models of germination factors in plasma-treated seeds Principal Investigator: María del Carmen López Santos y Antonio Prados  Period: 01-01-2021 / 31-12-2022 Research team: Agustín Rodríguez González-Elipe,